Direct Response (DRTV) with Brand Marketing

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By Robert Graham

The road to DR profitability is more obtainable due in part to payment options that make consumer purchases simple and affordable. One of the hottest techniques is the use of credit card "multi-pay” or “easy-payments” credit terms. Direct Response Payment Options Lead Buyers to Act Now!

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By Justin Kilgore

The commencement of a new Direct Response campaign brings a myriad of choices for a client. Often times, the task of making these choices can be daunting, particularly for the inexperienced. One of the primary choices is that of selecting which call center will represent your company by handling the inbound volume for the campaign. Picking the right call center for your DR campaign

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By Kim Stearns

There are countless articles and media circulating around discussing the pros and cons of behavioral targeting and its apparent “creepiness” but there is little mention of another segment of BT that may suit everyone’s needs. Retargeting addresses all of the privacy concerns and performs so effectively that companies already doing behavioral targeting, are spinning off segments that solely focus on Retargeting. Meet Retargeting: Behavioral Targeting’s Better Half

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By John Yarrington

In the Chinese calendar, the Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. In a time where a barrel of oil costs more than $130 and the national average for a gallon of gasoline is $4.10, direct response marketers, much like the ox, will need both fortitude and hard work to find opportunity and success in 2009. 2009 — The Year of the Ox

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By Denise Marie Deptula

So, you want to have a successful DR show. What does it take to make it succeed? It doesn’t have to be complicated. Keeping it simple and focused means looking at the Five Basic Elements of a show. DR 101: Five Elements of a Successful Show

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