Direct Response (DRTV) with Brand Marketing

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By Frank Nichols

The rapidly changing world of communications and advertising is beginning to fit the paradigms of exponential transition as defined socially by Alan Toffler in “Future Shock” and technologically by Nicholas Negroponte in “Being Digital.” Since society and technology are intrinsic elements of change in marketing methodology, it’s easy to see why the basic principles of direct response media are in a constant evolution that affects not only the increasing number of available media conveying advertising, but also the modes of delivery and, in turn, the economics of generating consumer response. It's Not Your Father's Same Old DRTV

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By Brandon Reynolds

As a Direct Response marketer, how often have you experienced the frustration of trying to maintain consistent soft-offer performance (conversions and upsells) while increasing your call volume? Most direct marketers know this roller coaster ride all too well. A soft-offer campaign is performing well, so you buy more media. Suddenly the numbers go down, so you have to pull back on media spending. And so it goes. Moving into the future with Dedicated Agents

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By Shari Altman

It’s always a topic of conversation among DR marketers – What’s “hot”? But what is “hot” today may be a bad bet in terms of profits and sales. The so-called “flash in the pan” like the “pet rock” of yesteryear is not a trend to follow. There was only one “Pet Rock”.

So let’s take a look instead at what trends are popular, with an eye towards those that have longevity and thus opportunity for sales and profits not just today, but over the years to come. The key – long-lived marketing trends are always based on real societal changes. Offer and Product Trends in DR - Fall 2008

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By Leo Gorcey

When was the last time you saw a good movie?

Did your favorite actor sound like she was reading a script? Probably not. If you’re like most moviegoers, you were caught up in the emotion of the story and wondering what was going to happen next. But somewhere at the beginning of the movie-making process, that actor who just made you laugh out loud and even cry, was handed a script and told by the director, “These are your lines. This is what we want you to say when we film you.”
So how come it sounded so real? What's in a Script?

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