Offer and Product Trends in DR - Fall 2008 (0)
4:57 PM by brand marketing, direct reponse media buyer, direct response advertisement, direct response brand advertising, direct response brand marketing, direct response commercials, direct response media buying, direct response metrics, direct response rates, Direct Response Television, direct response television marketing, direct response tv, DRTV lead generation, drtv media placement
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By Shari Altman
It’s always a topic of conversation among DR marketers – What’s “hot”? But what is “hot” today may be a bad bet in terms of profits and sales. The so-called “flash in the pan” like the “pet rock” of yesteryear is not a trend to follow. There was only one “Pet Rock”.
So let’s take a look instead at what trends are popular, with an eye towards those that have longevity and thus opportunity for sales and profits not just today, but over the years to come. The key – long-lived marketing trends are always based on real societal changes. Offer and Product Trends in DR - Fall 2008

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