It's Not Your Father's Same Old DRTV (0)
4:59 PM by brand marketing, cost per lead, direct reponse media buyer, direct response advertisement, direct response brand advertising, direct response brand marketing, direct response commercials, direct response media buying, Direct Response Television, direct response television marketing, DRTV lead generation
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By Frank Nichols
The rapidly changing world of communications and advertising is beginning to fit the paradigms of exponential transition as defined socially by Alan Toffler in “Future Shock” and technologically by Nicholas Negroponte in “Being Digital.” Since society and technology are intrinsic elements of change in marketing methodology, it’s easy to see why the basic principles of direct response media are in a constant evolution that affects not only the increasing number of available media conveying advertising, but also the modes of delivery and, in turn, the economics of generating consumer response. It's Not Your Father's Same Old DRTV

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