8:13 PM by
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Direct Response Marketing,
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Direct Response Television,
direct response television marketing,
DRTV lead generation
By Jill Albert
You know that device you listen to day after day on your way to the office, it’s on at the gym, you in fact SING ALONG with it when your favorite song plays, yell at it when RUSH LIMBAUGH is ranting or your favorite team misses a shot. You have come to rely on your favorite radio station for traffic information and breaking news, as well as a recommendation for a new restaurant, how to entertain yourself in the coming weekend, what retailer is having a sale and how to survive in today’s economy. It is true… most of us have an emotional bond with our favorite radio station.
Radio continues to be a staple in America’s daily diet with over 90% of working adults listening two plus hours each day, and reaching over 94% of all people weekly. Radio provides target ability, relationship marketing, frequency as well as REACH and is present with just about every one of those emerging technologies that we marketers are trying to use to reach consumers. Internet users listen to radio more than any other media while surfing the web and over 45% of Internet radio listening is streamed to local stations.
- So what about RADIO?
8:10 PM by
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brand marketing,
direct reponse media buyer,
direct response advertisement,
direct response brand advertising,
direct response brand marketing,
direct response commercials,
Direct Response Marketing,
direct response media buying,
Direct Response Television,
direct response television marketing,
DRTV lead generation
By Angie Scheribel
The best opportunity for increasing return on your advertising investment right now is the Hispanic market.
If Hispanics are not on your marketing radar, the chances are you’re a few steps behind your competition. The U.S. Hispanic population is growing at a rapid rate and their buying power is growing with them.
According to Hispanic Market Weekly (March 2, 2009), Hispanic purchasing power has reached $980 Billion and is expected to climb to $1.3 Trillion by 2013. They are the fastest growing group in the U.S. accounting for 50% of this decade’s US population growth. With a population of 46 Million today Hispanics are expected to be a full 20% of the U.S. population by 2020. The community’s purchasing power represents the ninth largest economy in the world- larger than the GNP of Spain, Mexico, or Brazil, according to the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility
More and more advertisers have been seeing the need to reach this growing segment of the population. From 2000-2004, Hispanic directed budgets from the top 50 advertisers grew 87% (from $658 Million to $1.23 Billion). Major advertisers such as Proctor & Gamble and McDonalds have continued to increase their spend in the Hispanic market, and have seen continued returns for their investment. Hispanics are generally known as being very brand loyal, and see companies like McDonalds as being invested in the Hispanic market for the long haul because of their advertising efforts. Enormous numbers of household and personal products find Hispanics a 30 to 50% better prospect to make a sale.
- Marketing to Hispanics in a Down Economy
4:18 PM by
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brand marketing,
direct reponse media buyer,
direct response advertisement,
direct response brand advertising,
direct response brand marketing,
direct response commercials,
Direct Response Marketing,
direct response media buying,
direct response media rates,
direct response metrics,
Direct Response Television,
direct response television marketing,
DRTV lead generation
- By Alexis Rosenberg
In this weakening economy, many companies have cut their advertising budgets along with their workforce. This does not bode well for the advertising world at large. It becomes a domino effect with the result being Newspapers and Magazines, whose livelihood depend on advertising revenue, folding. To counteract this effect, DISH Network is in the fortunate position of expanding.
DISH Network’s main headquarters are in Denver. A little over a year ago, a New York advertising sales office for DISH Network was opened. This was spearheaded by Mr. Michael Finn, who came over from Viacom. Now, there are salespeople in both offices, establishing a greater reach into the marketplace.
Brian Norris, previously from Viacom and Lifetime, heads up the Direct Response team. By selecting a team of DR salespeople from throughout the industry, each person’s business relationships could be utilized for expansion.
Instead of standing by while revenue declined, our new office and expansion has helped DISH’s Direct Response business grow by adding new advertisers on the air. Changes need to happen when the economy is declining, but it doesn’t always have to be job cuts as DISH Network has proven.
Expanding further into the Market with the opening of a New York Sales Office