Do you treat your website as an afterthought? (0)
12:03 PM by direct response advertisement, direct response media buying, direct response media rates, direct response television marketing, drtv media placement
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By Todd Gelman
In today’s online environment, virtually everyone you speak with will tell you about all the different ways that you can drive traffic to your Direct Response website. Search Engine Marketing, display ads, email marketing, text ads, and of course social media are all ways to get more visitors to your site. It’s difficult to pick up a direct response industry magazine these days without finding an article that tells you as such.
But what about the other side of the equation? The other side that I’m referring to is a site’s conversion rate. Conversion rate measures the percentage of your site visitors that actually pull out their credit cards and buy your product. After all, what good is driving traffic to your site if the visitors who come don’t make a purchase? Most direct response marketers virtually ignore this notion. Rather than focusing on how they can increase their conversion rate by 20%-30% and generate additional dollars that go straight to the bottom line, their only web related concern is how they can get more Internet traffic. As such, they simply put up a simple landing page that is essentially an afterthought. This is surprising to see – given that this shoestring approach is probably costing them tens of thousands of dollars a month in lost revenue.
Here are some tips to ensure you maximize your odds at having higher conversion rates and increase your website’s contribution to your overall MER:- READ THE ARTICLE: Do you treat your website as an afterthought?

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