Marketing DR Across Platforms (0)
11:59 AM by direct response brand advertising, direct response commercials, direct response media buying, direct response media rates, drtv media placement
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By Joey Hastie
There are a number of ways to obtain your ROI goals using the available DR outlets. The question you should consider is, "Am I effectively buying the opportunities that are available to me?" The market is an evolving place and currently a majority of the DR efforts are focused on Television. Of course, this makes perfect sense. This has been the formula that has created a multi billion dollar industry for years. But the digital world is progressive and these changes have sparked an assortment of new opportunities for marketers to take advantage of. Targeting specific demographics becomes more and more of a fragmented process because consumers are accessing media in non-traditional ways. Advertisers using the old model of "broad" casting are finding that obtaining their ROI goals are becoming increasingly challenging.
Why the struggle? What is the stigma behind steering away from the tried and true DR TV campaigns that we are so comfortable with? The obvious answer is fear of the unknown. What advertiser is going to risk failure on a platform they have no background on when the DR TV formula has proved itself time and time again? The reality of the situation is that consumers are rapidly gravitating towards new technologies. DVR's computers, portable music players, and advanced cell phones are now affordable and accessible to most demographic groups. If you were to survey your close friends and family, it is likely that you would find that a majority of them have an mp3 player, messaging cell phone, and minimum of one DVR.- READ THE ARTICLE: Marketing DR Across Platforms

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