Direct Response (DRTV) with Brand Marketing

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By Frank Nichols

The rapidly changing world of communications and advertising is beginning to fit the paradigms of exponential transition as defined socially by Alan Toffler in “Future Shock” and technologically by Nicholas Negroponte in “Being Digital.” Since society and technology are intrinsic elements of change in marketing methodology, it’s easy to see why the basic principles of direct response media are in a constant evolution that affects not only the increasing number of available media conveying advertising, but also the modes of delivery and, in turn, the economics of generating consumer response. It's Not Your Father's Same Old DRTV

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By Brandon Reynolds

As a Direct Response marketer, how often have you experienced the frustration of trying to maintain consistent soft-offer performance (conversions and upsells) while increasing your call volume? Most direct marketers know this roller coaster ride all too well. A soft-offer campaign is performing well, so you buy more media. Suddenly the numbers go down, so you have to pull back on media spending. And so it goes. Moving into the future with Dedicated Agents

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By Shari Altman

It’s always a topic of conversation among DR marketers – What’s “hot”? But what is “hot” today may be a bad bet in terms of profits and sales. The so-called “flash in the pan” like the “pet rock” of yesteryear is not a trend to follow. There was only one “Pet Rock”.

So let’s take a look instead at what trends are popular, with an eye towards those that have longevity and thus opportunity for sales and profits not just today, but over the years to come. The key – long-lived marketing trends are always based on real societal changes. Offer and Product Trends in DR - Fall 2008

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By Leo Gorcey

When was the last time you saw a good movie?

Did your favorite actor sound like she was reading a script? Probably not. If you’re like most moviegoers, you were caught up in the emotion of the story and wondering what was going to happen next. But somewhere at the beginning of the movie-making process, that actor who just made you laugh out loud and even cry, was handed a script and told by the director, “These are your lines. This is what we want you to say when we film you.”
So how come it sounded so real? What's in a Script?

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By Robert Graham

The road to DR profitability is more obtainable due in part to payment options that make consumer purchases simple and affordable. One of the hottest techniques is the use of credit card "multi-pay” or “easy-payments” credit terms. Direct Response Payment Options Lead Buyers to Act Now!

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By Justin Kilgore

The commencement of a new Direct Response campaign brings a myriad of choices for a client. Often times, the task of making these choices can be daunting, particularly for the inexperienced. One of the primary choices is that of selecting which call center will represent your company by handling the inbound volume for the campaign. Picking the right call center for your DR campaign

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By Kim Stearns

There are countless articles and media circulating around discussing the pros and cons of behavioral targeting and its apparent “creepiness” but there is little mention of another segment of BT that may suit everyone’s needs. Retargeting addresses all of the privacy concerns and performs so effectively that companies already doing behavioral targeting, are spinning off segments that solely focus on Retargeting. Meet Retargeting: Behavioral Targeting’s Better Half

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By John Yarrington

In the Chinese calendar, the Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. In a time where a barrel of oil costs more than $130 and the national average for a gallon of gasoline is $4.10, direct response marketers, much like the ox, will need both fortitude and hard work to find opportunity and success in 2009. 2009 — The Year of the Ox

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By Denise Marie Deptula

So, you want to have a successful DR show. What does it take to make it succeed? It doesn’t have to be complicated. Keeping it simple and focused means looking at the Five Basic Elements of a show. DR 101: Five Elements of a Successful Show

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By Mick Rispoli

Your media buys are successful, the call center is exceeding your expectations on upsells, and it looks like your campaign is going to be a great success — only to receive a phone call from your merchant processor that your account has been frozen because you have exceeded your cap. Of course, this means the fulfillment house can’t upload batches of transactions from the weekend and you’re not getting a deposit into your bank account from this month’s transactions. The money is frozen and suddenly your campaign is out in the cold! Don’t Let Your Campaign Get Caught in the Cold!

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By Osania Del Rio

There are many things to consider if you plan on taking your product to overseas markets, especially if you are marketing your product via DRTV. While it may seem daunting and overwhelming just thinking about all the cultural differences and the numerous regulations that govern each country, in reality it really is a manageable process and planning ahead will certainly save you a lot of time and money, and most importantly, help maximize sales. The following are some tips that you may find helpful.GOING INTERNATIONAL

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By Kristy Pinand-Dumpert

“When a sixty second ad can convince a consumer to grab his credit card, pick up the phone and order a product instantly, that’s my definition of a success” says Collette Liantonio, president of Concepts TV Productions. Success in Direct Response can also mean placing an order on the internet or calling to sample a product in a free trial offer. Success in Direct Response means getting the consumer to take instant action in response to the ad. “Making a Successful Short Form Direct Response Spot: What Will Make the Phones Ring? DRTV 101”

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By Ken Osborn

Most of today’s DR TV marketers have a business model where retail sales is the primary end goal. This is a fantastic way to create wealth, but some practices being used by these marketers, and the parties they employ to wholesale their products, are doing something to undermine the DR TV ad campaigns themselves. If the campaign is being undermined then it can’t succeed and in turn the retailers will most likely not purchase the item. The issue has to do with selling the retail version of the product to entities that in turn market the it online for less than the TV offer, especially early on in the life of the campaigns. Are You Undermining Your Direct Sales?

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By Rod Kempkes

Far gone are the days of simply processing an inbound telephone call for the latest gadget driven from print or television. Today’s direct marketers are well funded marquee brands with life time value of each customer in mind. When call center market growth is steady but slow, the best way to increase growth rates is to introduce and perfect the use of new technologies and methods to increase our client’s customer value. In the not so distant past, it was computer-telephony integration (CTI), which allowed substantial improvements in cost efficiency. The Evolution of Blended Technologies

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By Scott Swanson

When you want attention to a special project, you seek out a specialist. With retail sales and distribution this is no different.

You need a system that provides an end to an end solution for multi-channel initiatives designed to serve the retail industry’s specific needs. Look for web-based tools for visibility and control across all steps in the commerce supply chain. Find a single source integrated solution provider for warehousing, transportation, destination, cross docking, load consolidation and inventory management as well as other value added services. Retail Sales Merit Special Attention

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